The 14th Annual Insights into Autism Conference is coming up in February 2024 and it is available both online and in person this year! The topic will be “Getting Straight A’s with Autism: Advocacy, Augmentative, Adaptable, Adult Transition, and Achieving”.
Where: Online and in person
When: Friday, February 2, 2024 from 8am-4pm
Cost: Free when attending virtually for Parents/Caregivers/Persons with Autism ($10 in person). Please note the fee difference if attending for professional development.
Description: This activity aims to provide attendees with resources for advocacy and a better understanding of neurodiversity from many perspectives including augmentative communication, improving and providing ideas for autism care, transitioning to adulthood, adaptability, and camouflaging for females and highly functional people with autism.
This conference is designed for pediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, art therapists, special education teachers, social workers, other interested allied health professionals, and anyone who wishes to improve care to patients and families diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
For more information, the full schedule, and to register: CLICK HERE