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If you provide services or supports to the Autism Cmmuniy, Click here to add your organization or service provider to this resources list.
Please read our Options Policy.
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Pediatric Therapy Providers
Disclaimer: Autism Society Tidewater Virginia is a locally funded organization serving families and professionals in the Tidewater Region of Southeastern Virginia. All information provided or published by Autism Society Tidewater Virginia is for informational purposes only.
Treatments and Therapies: Reference to any treatment or therapy option or to any program, service or treatment provider is not an endorsement by Autism Society Tidewater Virginia. You should investigate alternatives that may be more appropriate for a specific individual.
* Options Policy:Autism Society Tidewater Virginia assumes no responsibility for the use made of any information published or provided by Autism Society Tidewater Virginia. If you are having trouble finding what you need and/or if there are resources you would like to recommend for inclusion, please contact us.
Who is Included: The ASTV Board reserves the right to refuse to include any organization, business, or group where evidence-based practices are not evident. The list is updated weekly.
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